
Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt parfait is a delicious way to start your morning or for an afternoon snack!
Its loaded with nutrition!

Start with organic yogurt– Most organic yogurt have probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that will crowd out the harmful bacteria in your digestive tract. Bad bacteria seriously effects your immunity and overall health. It can cause digestive issues, bloating and acne! Antibiotics rid you of good and bad bacteria. And, unfortunately, when they come back, the bad bacteria can overtake the good bacteria! So probiotics is especially good after taking antibiotics. Also yogurt is packed with vitamins like potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B5 and B12.

berriesThen add some berries and banana. Berries are packed with antioxidants, like vitamin C. Vitamin C is responsible for the health of collagen. So if you want your skin to age well.. Eat your berries! Also, berries are mostly water. Its a wonderful way to keep hydrated and lose weight!

bananaBananas are packed with goodness! They are a great source of B6, manganese, vitamin C and potassium to name a few. In fact, its one of our main sources of potassium! Potassium is a mineral that helps with maintaining healthy blood pressure.

granolaLastly, add some granola! Granola is a great source of fiber, which helps digestion and constipation. Its also a good source of healthy fats. We all need fat, so if you chose healthy sources you are more likely not to crave the bad fat.

Enjoy your healthy and yummy breakfast!

What are your favorite healthy snacks?

Have a wonderful day!

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Why Wear an Eyemask

I’ve always wanted to try an eye mask but I had no idea why people wore them. So recently I picked one up and was surprised what a difference it made in my sleep quality! It blocked out all the light and therefore helped me fall asleep much quicker and stay asleep all night!

  When it’s dark, our bodies produce a hormone called Melatonin. Some people refer to it as the “sleep” hormone. Melatonin helps regulate our sleep. The darker it is, the more our brains produce it and the better we sleep.  So if there’s any light coming into your bedroom it can effect your quality of sleep!


Eye masks are wonderful for people who work the third shift and have to sleep during the day. Also for sleeping on airplanes and for taking naps! As an added bonus they can help with puffy eyes!

So, if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, give it a try! As a side note, if you don’t usually set an alarm clock you may want to do this when you first start using an eye mask. The natural sunlight won’t be waking you up in the morning.

Eye masks are not just for the posh women. They are for anyone who wants a good night sleep!

Let me know how it works for you!

Have a wonderful day!

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Being Healthy- One of My Favorite Tips for Overall Health ( Part 1)

I believe an overall healthy lifestyle is so much better than yo-yo dieting. Maintenance is key! Here is a health tip that has made a big difference in my health over the years! I will be sharing more health tips in future posts so look out for more great tips!



It seems not a lot of people are aware of the many benefits of Turmeric. For me it has been a go to spice for years! I personally take it in pill form, because its quick. But you can cook or make a tea with the powdered form. I do use the powder form to create a DIY face mask which I will be sharing with you in a future post.

turneric1 turmeric2There are so many benefits to turmeric. I encourage you to do your own research. I have used it for inflammation!* Its a great alternative to ibuprofen. I once had Bursitis in my shoulder! It got to the point that it was so painful I could barely get dressed. I have a high tolerance to pain and I was in tears. I had been taking Ibuprofin every four hours and it was only getting worse! I started taking Turmeric, along with Bromelain, and the pain began to subside within one hour! I continued taking it every for hours for that day and every eight hours the following day. The Bursitis completely went away! And never returned!

I also suffer from dry eye which causes inflammation in my eyes. My eyes water really bad when this inflammation sets in. As soon as I start getting watery eyes I take a Turmeric and the inflammation is gone!

Turmeric is an antioxidant. Its packed with vitamins and minerals. Its a thermogenic so it supports your metabolism and helps burn calories. Its great for digestion. It supports healthy joints. It also helps neutralize substances that cause cellular stress. The curcumin found in Turmeric helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and helps to maintain healthy blood and liver functions.

   It promotes radiant skin! In some cultures its considered a “skin food.” It is wonderful for acne and acne scars. It normalizes skin tone and hyperpigmentation. Its great for skin elasticity!

So give Turmeric a try! See if it helps your overall health as it has helped mine!

I hope this helps! Leave a comment and let me know what you think or how it worked for you!

Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to subscribe!

*Disclaimer I am not a Doctor. This is my own personal experience with Turmeric. As always, be sure to discuss with your doctor before supplementing with anything.