How To Get Rid of Cellulite- Plus DIY Cellulite Scrub

With summer coming I thought this would be a subject that would appeal almost every woman! Let me give you some tips so you can be bikini ready by summer! I have been using this scrub for weeks and I have noticed a difference!
To start lets get a little inside knowledge to what cellulite actually is. First off, you don’t have to be overweight to be dealing with cellulite. Cellulite are fatty deposits so its likely that you may have more if you are overweight but even if you re thin you can have fatty deposits underneath the skin. The key to improving the appearance of cellulite is circulation! Toxins can gather in your fatty tissues when there is poor circulation. This is why the technique of dry brushing is so good for cellulite! Dry brushing should be done every day or twice a day. Starting at the feet and working up and from the hands and working inward, always brushing toward the heart. This should be done on dry skin so I normally do it before I get in the shower. There are other benefits to dry brushing! It gets rid of dead skin and helps the lymphatic system to drain toxins and aids in digestion and kidney function.
dry brushing The cellulite scrub I’m going to share with you has the main ingredient, coffee. The reason coffee is so good for cellulite is because its a diuretic. So when you apply it as a scrub its releasing water from the cells and helping the cells circulate and release toxins.

Here’s the recipe.

6 Tblsp ground coffee
5 Tblsp sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp ground cinnamon
3 Tblsp melted coconut oil

Blend together in a bowl with a lid and bring right in the shower with you!
Scrub away!
coffee scrub

Another great tip is to use Rosemary essential oil with an oil to massage into skin. Rosemary will help bring the blood to the surface. I do this right in the shower after my coffee scrub. Smells great too!!


Enjoy these tips!

Have a wonderful day!

And don’t forget to follow my blog for more tips to look and feel your best!