
Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt parfait is a delicious way to start your morning or for an afternoon snack!
Its loaded with nutrition!

Start with organic yogurt– Most organic yogurt have probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that will crowd out the harmful bacteria in your digestive tract. Bad bacteria seriously effects your immunity and overall health. It can cause digestive issues, bloating and acne! Antibiotics rid you of good and bad bacteria. And, unfortunately, when they come back, the bad bacteria can overtake the good bacteria! So probiotics is especially good after taking antibiotics. Also yogurt is packed with vitamins like potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B5 and B12.

berriesThen add some berries and banana. Berries are packed with antioxidants, like vitamin C. Vitamin C is responsible for the health of collagen. So if you want your skin to age well.. Eat your berries! Also, berries are mostly water. Its a wonderful way to keep hydrated and lose weight!

bananaBananas are packed with goodness! They are a great source of B6, manganese, vitamin C and potassium to name a few. In fact, its one of our main sources of potassium! Potassium is a mineral that helps with maintaining healthy blood pressure.

granolaLastly, add some granola! Granola is a great source of fiber, which helps digestion and constipation. Its also a good source of healthy fats. We all need fat, so if you chose healthy sources you are more likely not to crave the bad fat.

Enjoy your healthy and yummy breakfast!

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