
Being Healthy- One of My Favorite Tips for Overall Health ( Part 1)

I believe an overall healthy lifestyle is so much better than yo-yo dieting. Maintenance is key! Here is a health tip that has made a big difference in my health over the years! I will be sharing more health tips in future posts so look out for more great tips!



It seems not a lot of people are aware of the many benefits of Turmeric. For me it has been a go to spice for years! I personally take it in pill form, because its quick. But you can cook or make a tea with the powdered form. I do use the powder form to create a DIY face mask which I will be sharing with you in a future post.

turneric1 turmeric2There are so many benefits to turmeric. I encourage you to do your own research. I have used it for inflammation!* Its a great alternative to ibuprofen. I once had Bursitis in my shoulder! It got to the point that it was so painful I could barely get dressed. I have a high tolerance to pain and I was in tears. I had been taking Ibuprofin every four hours and it was only getting worse! I started taking Turmeric, along with Bromelain, and the pain began to subside within one hour! I continued taking it every for hours for that day and every eight hours the following day. The Bursitis completely went away! And never returned!

I also suffer from dry eye which causes inflammation in my eyes. My eyes water really bad when this inflammation sets in. As soon as I start getting watery eyes I take a Turmeric and the inflammation is gone!

Turmeric is an antioxidant. Its packed with vitamins and minerals. Its a thermogenic so it supports your metabolism and helps burn calories. Its great for digestion. It supports healthy joints. It also helps neutralize substances that cause cellular stress. The curcumin found in Turmeric helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and helps to maintain healthy blood and liver functions.

   It promotes radiant skin! In some cultures its considered a “skin food.” It is wonderful for acne and acne scars. It normalizes skin tone and hyperpigmentation. Its great for skin elasticity!

So give Turmeric a try! See if it helps your overall health as it has helped mine!

I hope this helps! Leave a comment and let me know what you think or how it worked for you!

Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to subscribe!

*Disclaimer I am not a Doctor. This is my own personal experience with Turmeric. As always, be sure to discuss with your doctor before supplementing with anything.



My Clients Prom Updo’s and Makeup

We recently had a lot of girls coming into the salon for updos and makeup. I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to take pictures of all my clients updos. This girl came in and had hair to the bottom of her back and super thick! She wanted a low updo. Thank goodness I knew what I was doing!
I started with a ponytail in the back of her head leaving out the entire front and sides and the bottom section in the back. The section in the pony I simply knotted and pinned. The ends I mostly just tucked in and pinned. The front and sides I curled and placed where needed securing it with bobbypins.

Here is the end result!

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Let me know what you think!

Here are some more pictures of a senior who’s hair and makeup I did last year!

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All Natural DIY Lip Balm

I Love this lip balm!

It is so simple to make! All natural! And lasts for so long!

You only need a few ingredients!




Shea Butter

vanilla extract

Vanilla Extract

1 TBS beeswax (grated)(I found mine at Wholefoods)
1 TBS shea butter
a few drops of vanilla extract
Mineral powdered makeup for tint.(Optional) (I used a bare minerals blush)

Start by melting the beeswax in a double broiler. I used a large glass measuring bowl over a pot of boiling water.
Add Shea Butter till both are melted occasionally stirring.
Stir in Vanilla extract.
If desired, add tint.
Pour into any container you like. I didn’t have any so I used clean shells.
Leave to cool and harden.

I keep one next to my bed to moisturize my lips before bed.
Have fun with this and be creative! You can use different oils and scents to your liking!

Have a wonderful day!

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How To Get Rid of Cellulite- Plus DIY Cellulite Scrub

With summer coming I thought this would be a subject that would appeal almost every woman! Let me give you some tips so you can be bikini ready by summer! I have been using this scrub for weeks and I have noticed a difference!
To start lets get a little inside knowledge to what cellulite actually is. First off, you don’t have to be overweight to be dealing with cellulite. Cellulite are fatty deposits so its likely that you may have more if you are overweight but even if you re thin you can have fatty deposits underneath the skin. The key to improving the appearance of cellulite is circulation! Toxins can gather in your fatty tissues when there is poor circulation. This is why the technique of dry brushing is so good for cellulite! Dry brushing should be done every day or twice a day. Starting at the feet and working up and from the hands and working inward, always brushing toward the heart. This should be done on dry skin so I normally do it before I get in the shower. There are other benefits to dry brushing! It gets rid of dead skin and helps the lymphatic system to drain toxins and aids in digestion and kidney function.
dry brushing The cellulite scrub I’m going to share with you has the main ingredient, coffee. The reason coffee is so good for cellulite is because its a diuretic. So when you apply it as a scrub its releasing water from the cells and helping the cells circulate and release toxins.

Here’s the recipe.

6 Tblsp ground coffee
5 Tblsp sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp ground cinnamon
3 Tblsp melted coconut oil

Blend together in a bowl with a lid and bring right in the shower with you!
Scrub away!
coffee scrub

Another great tip is to use Rosemary essential oil with an oil to massage into skin. Rosemary will help bring the blood to the surface. I do this right in the shower after my coffee scrub. Smells great too!!


Enjoy these tips!

Have a wonderful day!

And don’t forget to follow my blog for more tips to look and feel your best!


Tips for Flawless and Long Lasting Makeup

I have been doing makeup for 20 years. Along the way I have found products I adore. We all see beautiful makeup in magazines and on models that we would love to do on ourselves but we can’t seem to replicate the flawless look. Here are some tips and products to help you look flawless and keep your makeup in place all day.

1. Invest in good brushes.  This makes a HUGE difference. I love many of MAC brushes. They are a good investment because they last forever, but they are on the pricier side. I have recently started using Sigma brushes. They are amazing! You can purchase them online. They are much less pricy than MAC and there are plenty of promo codes so make sure you search them before placing an order. My most beloved brush is the Sigma Flat Kabuki F80. This brush is used to apply foundation and you can use it to buff out any mistakes on the face and blending concealer into the foundation. Buff your foundation into your skin with this brush and you will be creating a wonderful, stay put base for the rest of your makeup. Your foundation will last all day with this brush application!

This brush is a must have!
<A HREF=””> Widgets</A>


Sigma Flat Kabuki F80

2. MAC Fix Plus There are so many reasons to buy this product! I use it before I apply any makeup for a perfectly smooth application. It has wonderful ingredients to help calm, depuff and moisturize the skin such as cucumber extract and caffeine. I also spritz this all over my face when my makeup is completely finished. It sets my makeup so it lasts all day! It also blends powders and liquids for a completely smooth and blended finish. An added bonus is you can use it to wet your brushes when applying eyeshadow to give it a more pigmented look!

Makes a huge difference!

fix plus

MAC Fix Plus

3. MAC Pro Longwear Concealer This concealer has an amazing texture. It doesn’t crease in fine lines over the course of the day. Lasts all day! Has a wonderful smooth texture. I have tried so many concealers is this is my all time favorite! I use NW 20. Its slightly lighter than my skin color so it is a wonderful highlighter under my eyes and wherever you want to highlight.


4 Highlighter There are a lot of highlighters I love and you don’t always have to purchace a high end product to accomplish a beautiful highlight. Highlighter can be used on the high points of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, on the inner corner of the eye and on the cupids bow. Right now my favorite is the Becca highlighter in Opal. Its a beautiful and amazingly pigmented highlighter!

becca opal

Let me know how these products work for you! If you have any questions or comments please leave it below.

Have a wonderful day!

Don’t forget to follow me for more tips and tricks to looking beautiful!



Beautiful Skin in Your 30’s

beautiful skin If you are in your 30’s, as I am, you are likely noticing changes in your skin. Some fine lines, dryness or an oily t-zone. You might notice your makeup not going on as smoothly as it used to. Here are some tips to looking beautiful in your 30’s and older.


Drinking water will provide a younger looking, more radiant complexion. Your skin is an organ and its cells are predominantly water. When those cells don’t get enough water you skin becomes dry, flaky, dull and more prone to wrinkles. So DRINK UP!!

Did you know that watermelon is 92% water!! Fruits and veggies are a fabulous way to consume water! So don’t forget to eat your fruits and veggies!



I have begun the oil cleansing method. Its made an incredible difference in the texture of my skin! I cannot believe how much better I appear in pictures. Harsh cleansers are stripping your skins acid mantle and making your skin susceptible to bacteria a.k.a. ACNE. The oil cleansing method is gentle and safe for your skin.

Do this morning and night. No matter how tired you are! Especially if you wear makeup! You will thank me later if you have not been washing your face every night.

Many people think that if they have oily skin that they cannot use this method.. Quite the contrary. Oil lifts oil. So using an oil will cleanse your oily skin and add moisture, which oily skin still needs. And using oil on oily skin actually tricks the skin into believing it is producing enough oils and actually slow down the production of oil production. How awesome is that!
There are different ways to do this but I used a mixture of cold pressed Avocado oil and Hazelnut oil. Avocado oil is incredibly moisturizing for the skin! It is high in vitamin E and has natural humectants. I also use this under my eyes and on my forehead before I go to bed. I highly recommend the brand Olivado for your avocado oil. Hazelnut oil is also very good for calming oil production because its a natural astringent. Its also high in vitamins E and B. Both are safe to use on a daily basis. My skin has had less acne and has been glowing since starting this method! You can buy these items at Whole Foods in your oil section or you can find them on Amazon. I recommend combining the two oils and pouring the mixture into a dark glass bottle with a dropper so you can easily squeeze it into the palm of your hands.
avocado oilhazelnut


Ahhh, yes, I am a lover of the beach and the sun! I used to let my body bake. I now have sunspots, which by the way you can get by being out in the sun or driving your car any time of the year. When you’re in your 30’s you may start to become aware of the damaging affects of the sun on your skin but you should start wearing sunscreen on your face, especially, when you are young every day.

Sunscreen should be a part of your daily routine. Unfortunately, a lot of sunscreens have mineral oil along with other chemicals that can cause other issues like clogging your pores! Yuck! I have begun using the brand MyChelle Dermaceuticals, SPF 28 for my face. It is not at all oily on the skin. It does not affect the makeup I put on over it. It doesn’t irritate my eyes and it has wonderful ingredients. I absolutely love this product!


Think twice before you bake in the sun!

sundamage sundamage2


Do this on a regular basis! I use different DIY scrubs for my face and body. (Look for my posts on DIY scrubs) By doing a GENTLE exfoliation 2-3 times a week you are getting rid of dead skin which could be clogging pores and making the appearance of your skin dull. Don’t over scrub! This could cause small scratches on your skin. And strip your natural acid mantle, which protects your skin from bacteria. Most French women don’t use any harsh chemicals on their skin and their skin is beautiful!

The easiest way to scrub, that I absolutely love, is by using Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil combined with organic sugar. My skin feels amazing after doing this! I use Dr. Brenners. Your skin will glow! If you have not been exfoliating on a regular basis I recommend doing this every other night to every night for a couple weeks then going down to 2 times a week. Just lightly scrub onto face and rinse with warm water. Any oil left on skin acts as a moisturizer. I simply mix it together and place the jar in my bathroom.

scrub coconut oil


If you want your skin to look clear and glowing you must moisturize! If you are already using the oil cleansing method and exfoliating you are on the right track by not stripping all your moisture while cleansing. At night, I like to again take my Avocado oil and place it around my eyes and on my forehead and lightly massage it out. As a side note, I recommend using your ring finger for massaging oil around your eyes. The skin is very thin and fragile around the eyes and if you are using too much pressure you can easily break blood capillaries under the skin causing dark circles to appear. In the morning I use a light moisturizer that is aloe based. Aloe is a natural humectant and will draw water to your face.



So go on and be the most beautiful and radiant you can be!

 I hope these tips help! Be sure to comment and let me know what you think and any other tips you’d like to share!



DIY Face and Body Scrub


Here are the ingredients. Blend these in a bowl to a consistency of your liking.

olive oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil




Organic unbeached sugar


Manuka honey


Sugar is a great exfoliator and source of glycolic acid. I recommend a raw honey like Manuka honey. Honey in a pure form has amazing benefits for the skin. It has antibacterial qualities and helps inflammation. It can help repair tissue damaged by bacteria. Great for acne! Next you are going to need Extra Virgin Olive Oil which is high in vitamin E. One lemon that will brighten and lighten the skin. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C which builds collagen. And helps lighten sunspots and age spots.

1 lemon
3/4 cup of sugar
1 T honey
1 T olive oil

Mix it all up! Gently massage on face, including lips! Leave on for about 10-15 min, then rinse with warm water. Follow with some moisturizer.

Use a couple times a week on your face.

As needed on your body!

Watch your face and body glow!

Please follow! And be sure to let me know what you think! Have a wonderful day